EDGE Can Conduct Eastern Massasauga Surveys
-The Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) is a small rattlesnake species, currently listed as threatened by the United States Fish and…
EDGE Can Conduct Eastern Indigo Snake Surveys
-The Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) is one of North America’s largest snake species and is currently listed as threatened…
Contact Experts at EDGE to Conduct Green Salamander Surveys and Assessments in Ohio
-The Green Salamander (Aneides aeneus) is listed as an endangered species by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of…
EDGE’s Experts Can Conduct Eastern Spadefoot Surveys and Assessment in Ohio
-The Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) is known from 11 counties in Ohio and is listed as an endangered species by…
EDGE Can Conduct Blue-Spotted Salamander Surveys and Assessments in Ohio
-The Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale) is one of Ohio’s rarest amphibians and is listed as an endangered species by the…
EDGE Experts Can Conduct Cave Salamander Surveys and Assessments in Ohio
-The Cave Salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) is listed as an endangered species by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of…
Contact EDGE’s Experts for Eastern Hellbender Surveys and Assessments in Ohio
-The Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) is one of the largest amphibian species in the world, with some individuals growing to…
EDGE Team’s Study Reveals Artificial Canals in False River Support Freshwater Mussels and Other Aquatic Species
-EDGE team members David Ford, Zach Alley, John Spaeth, David Foltz, and Tim Brust evaluated whether freshwater mussels and other…
EDGE Malacologists Contribute to Understanding of Endangered Rayed Bean Mussel
-EDGE team members David Ford, Adam Benshoff, David Foltz, and John Spaeth contributed to a recent study on the federally…
Contact EDGE’s Experts to Conduct Timber Rattlesnake Surveys and Assessments in Ohio
-The Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) is one of two rattlesnake species occurring within the state of Ohio and is listed…
Natural Resources
EDGE Engineering LLC > Natural Resources