Our Staff
EDGE’s team of dedicated environmental engineers and scientists includes experienced staff in the following disciplines:
- Agricultural Engineering
- Civil/Environmental Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Arboriculture
- Archeology
- Geology
- Agronomy
- Biology
- Toxicology
- Environmental Science
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
For additional information on qualifications and experience of representative EDGE senior staff members, please search the below listing of professionals.
- J Scot Vann, P.E
- Shawn M. Lixey
- Christopher J. Colville, P.E.
- Melissa Braud
- Lori Burris-Glasgow
- Travis Faul
- Andrew Goldberg
- George F. Holder II, P.E.
- R. Scott Horner
- H. Trevor Loveday
- Robin Mann
- Jennifer McCoy
- Ramsey Redman
- Kristi Soltysiak
Please contact us for more information on our experience and capabilities.
Staff Descriptions
Please select a staff member in the list to see a summary of their qualifications and experience.
J Scot Vann, P.E.
President and CEO
Mr. J Scot Vann, P.E., is President and CEO of Edge Engineering and Science, LLC (EDGE) and leads the Air Quality Services Practice. Mr. Vann has been working as a consultant in the environmental engineering field since 1996. In EDGE’s Houston office, Scot specializes in providing air quality permitting and compliance services. He has extensive experience with managing NSR/PSD/Title V air permitting projects, compiling emissions estimates, auditing environmental compliance and management systems, facilitating emission credit banking and trading, conducting environmental compliance assessments, evaluating control technologies, developing and implementing environmental management information systems, performing regulatory analyses and applicability assessments, and conducting air dispersion modeling evaluations. Mr. Vann’s clients, located throughout the U.S. and internationally, have included oil and gas, chemical, manufacturing, waste management, ship building, energy, and electric utility companies.
Shawn M. Lixey
Vice President
Mr. Shawn Lixey is Vice President of Edge Engineering and Science, LLC (EDGE) and leads the NEPA Practice. Shawn has been working in the environmental field since 1993. In EDGE’s Houston office, he specializes in feasibility studies, linear routing and constraint analysis, development of permitting and implementation strategies, field program design and implementation, preparation and management of NEPA documents, state and federal permitting, and construction management. He has also managed environmental compliance issues associated with the operation and maintenance of oil and gas pipeline systems and associated facilities. His clients, located throughout the U.S. and South America, have included the energy, utility, oil and gas, electric, and chemical industries.
Christopher J. Colville, P.E.
Mr. Christopher J. Colville, P.E., is a Partner at Edge Engineering and Science, LLC (EDGE) and serves on the Corporate Management Team. Mr. Colville has assisted private and public-sector clients with air quality and multi-media regulatory permitting and compliance services since 2000. In EDGE’s Houston office, Chris directs a team delivering regulatory permitting and compliance services, with an emphasis on air quality services. He has extensive experience with managing air permitting projects, performing air quality dispersion modeling evaluations, conducting air quality research, managing optical remote sensing emission measurement studies, and providing technical expertise in support of litigation. Mr. Colville has supported clients in the chemical, general manufacturing, aggregates, oil and gas, petroleum refining, and government sectors across the United States.
Melissa Braud
Senior Environmental Professional
Melissa Braud is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Ms. Braud has been working in cultural resources since 1997 and as a consultant in the environmental field since 2007. Ms. Braud supports clients across the Gulf Coast specializing in cultural resources, NEPA document preparation/review, and federal and state permitting requirements (USACE, USCG, FERC, NPS, USFWS, TVA, LDWF, LDNR). She has served as liaison to State and Federal agencies during environmental emergencies providing NHPA Section 106 and NEPA compliance oversight. Ms. Braud has experience in environmental field coordination and environmental inspection on numerous natural gas storage and transmission projects. She also has experience in the FERC 7(c) permitting process, resource reports (ERs), environmental inspection management, and NHPA training for construction.
Lori Burris-Glasgow
Senior Environmental Professional
Lori Burris-Glasgow is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Ms. Burris-Glasgow has been an environmental consultant since 1997 with an emphasis on environmental due diligence, soil and groundwater investigation and remediation. Ms. Burris-Glasgow’s experience includes management and implementation of Phase I/II environmental site assessments, as well as conducting naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) surveys and NORM site remediation. Ms. Burris-Glasgow has vast experience conducting data validation to meet various regulatory standards. Clients have included oil and gas producers and transporters, chemical manufacturers, concrete batch facilities, printing operations, aviation crash sites, automotive repair facilities, foundries, pesticide manufacturing, and wood treating facilities.
Travis Faul
Senior Environmental Professional
Travis Faul is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Mr. Faul has over fourteen years of experience in environmental consulting, natural resource management, and engineering. In our Houston office, Mr. Faul has focused on providing environmental permitting and compliance services to our E&P clients, having coordinated assessments and permitting for hundreds of oil and gas wells, and associated gathering systems. Mr. Faul also has experience preparing CWA Section 404/10 permit applications, performing regulatory analyses and applicability assessments, preparing feasibility studies, conducting environmental compliance assessments, providing environmental field survey management, and managing field programs for our mid-stream clients. Additionally, Mr. Faul has conducted environmental assessments under Louisiana’s Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP), prepared assessments compliant with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Department of Defense, and has conducted site assessments for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at potential Superfund sites.
Andrew Goldberg
Senior Environmental Professional
Andrew Goldberg is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC and our Baton Rouge Office Manager. Mr. Goldberg has diverse technical and project management background in environmental consulting, having provided services to a variety of petro-chemical, energy, industrial, and manufacturing clients since 1985. Mr. Goldberg’s demonstrated strengths are assisting clients in the development, environmental permitting, construction, and management of energy related projects including oil and gas facilities, liquid and gas pipelines, gasification facilities, natural gas storage facilities, and power plants. His experience covers the preparation of FERC environmental reports and compliance; air quality permitting and compliance; federal and state multi-media environmental permitting, compliance and reporting; expert witness and forensic air and water environmental investigations; environmental field surveys and resource management. His expertise includes the FERC 7(c) permitting process and regulatory compliance, pre-project planning and route/site selection; pre-filing process, resource reports (ERs), data responses, site specific construction, compliance, and mitigation plans, implementation plans, environmental construction training, environmental inspection management, and restoration oversight.
George F. Holder II, P.E.
Senior Professional Engineer
Mr. George F. Holder II, P.E. is a Senior Engineer with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. George has over sixteen years of environmental experience, primarily with air quality permitting and compliance. He has managed multiple large capital permitting projects for both facility expansions and greenfield developments, and he has supervised environmental compliance for an operating unit of a major refinery and petrochemical complex. George has extensive experience with NSR and Title V permitting, NSPS and MACT Standards, Louisiana Air Quality Standards and Permitting, RMP, SARA, and GHG Reporting. He has experience with refining and petrochemical facilities, oil and gas facilities, utilities, direct-reduced iron facilities, wood product and pulp and paper facilities, fabrication and manufacturing facilities, sugar mills and refineries, and liquid and dry bulk terminals. George is a Professional Engineer in Louisiana and is located in EDGE’s Baton Rouge, Louisiana office.
R. Scott Horner
Senior Environmental Professional
R. Scott Horner is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. headquartered in Houston, Texas. Mr. Horner has been working in the environmental field as a consultant since 2002 focusing on energy-related capital development and compliance initiatives, with an emphasis on FERC-regulated pipeline construction projects. Mr. Horner’s expertise includes preparation of FERC Environmental Reports (Exhibit F) for the construction, expansion, and abandonment of interstate natural gas pipelines, underground natural gas storage caverns, and LNG import terminal projects. Additional expertise includes preparing CWA Section 404/10 permit applications, performing regulatory analyses and applicability assessments, preparing feasibility studies for natural gas transmission pipelines, gas gathering systems, and barge off-loading terminals, conducting environmental compliance assessments, providing environmental field survey management, and conducting wetland delineation and waterbody surveys. Scott has supported projects for clients in the oil and gas and utility sectors, across the United States.
H. Trevor Loveday
Senior Environmental Professional
H. Trevor Loveday is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Mr. Loveday has over 17 years of experience in environmental consulting and natural resource management focused primarily on energy-related projects associated with natural gas (including LNG), crude oil, refined products, alternatives (biofuels and wind), and electric transmission. His primary area of emphasis has been on FERC-regulated pipeline and LNG projects. Mr. Loveday’s expertise includes the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments under the National Environmental Policy Act for several federal agencies including the FERC, BLM, USACE, USFWS, USDOS, USDOE, and the USCG. Mr. Loveday has also managed third-party compliance monitoring programs for FERC-regulated pipeline construction. Additional experience includes preparing Sections 404/10 permit applications, preparing commercial water recycling permit applications in support of hydraulic fracturing, conducting wetland delineation and waterbody surveys, and managing field surveys. Mr. Loveday has managed projects for clients in the oil and gas and energy sector across the United States.
Robin Mann
Senior Environmental Professional
Robin Mann is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Ms. Mann has been an environmental consultant since 1996 with an emphasis on environmental due diligence, soil and groundwater investigation and remediation. Ms. Mann’s experience includes management and implementation of Phase I/II environmental site assessments, naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) surveys, investigation, and site remediation. Ms. Mann’s clients have included oil and gas producers and transporters, chemical manufacturers, concrete batch facilities, printing operations, aviation crash sites, commercial food canning facilities, automotive repair facilities, foundries, pesticide manufacturing, and wood treating facilities. Her experience has included work in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Colorado, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Jennifer McCoy
Senior Environmental Professional
Jennifer McCoy is a Senior Environmental Consultant with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Ms. McCoy has been working in environmental consulting since 2005, with a primary focus on energy-related projects associated with natural gas. Her primary area of emphasis has been on FERC- and USCG-regulated pipeline and LNG projects. Ms. McCoy’s expertise includes the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments under the National Environmental Policy Act for several federal agencies including the FERC, USCG, BLM, USACE, USFWS, USDOS, USDOE, and the NOAA-NMFS. Additionally, she has also managed third-party compliance monitoring programs for FERC-regulated pipeline construction. Ms. McCoy also has significant experience with LNG Deepwater Port Applications under the jurisdiction of the USCG, Section 404 permits under the jurisdiction of the USACE, and management of monitoring programs in support of Natural Resource Damage Assessments for oil spills. Her experience has included work in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, and the federal and state waters of the Gulf of Mexico, eastern Florida, and New England.
Ramsey Redman
Senior Environmental Professional
Ramsey Redman is a Senior Environmental Professional with Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Mr. Redman has over thirteen years of experience in environmental consulting, natural resource management, and engineering. Mr. Redman specializes in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and database management to organize and perform pipeline constructability surveys and re-routes, wetland determination and delineations, wildlife and vegetative surveys, shoreline contamination assessments, biological and environmental sampling, and aerial habitat surveys. Additionally, his experience includes coordination of permitting actions under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Endangered Species Act, Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S Coast Guard, as well as numerous state agencies.
Kristi Soltysiak
Senior Cultural Resources Professional
Kristi Soltysiak is a Senior Cultural Resources Professional at Edge Engineering and Science, LLC. Ms. Soltysiak has been working in cultural resources since 2002, managing Phase I, II, and III archaeological survey, testing, and mitigation projects relating to the oil & gas pipeline, transportation, and construction industries, including projects requiring NHPA Section 106 and NEPA compliance (USACE, FERC, EPA, USFS, NPS, TxDOT). Her expertise in the Gulf Coast and southeastern United States includes experience working with the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Based in our Houston office, she is engaged in all aspects of the project, focused on ensuring compliance with federal and state cultural resource requirements.