Our Services
EDGE strives to provide high quality services and creative solutions to our clients that exceed their expectations. Services that EDGE has experience with and can provide to the oil and gas, energy, manufacturing, and chemical industrial sectors include:
- Emissions Estimates and Emissions Inventory Reporting
- Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Evaluations
- State and Federal Construction (NSR) and Operating (Title V) Permits
- Regulatory Audits/Applicability Assessments
- Routine Recordkeeping and Reporting
- Stack/Vent Monitoring and Testing Coordination
- Federal (PSD/NAAQS) and State Toxics Dispersion Modeling Impact Analyses
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting
- Risk Management Plan (RMP) Reporting
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Certification Support
- Pipeline Routing, Facility Siting, Constraints Analysis, Feasibility Studies
- Facility Siting and Licensing Under State and Federal Environmental Policy Acts
- Coastal Zone Management Act Consultations
- Local Agency Zoning, Floodplain, Erosion Control and Watershed Permits
- State Stream and Wetland Crossing, trench Dewatering, and Water Appropriation Permits
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, and National Park Service Temporary and Special Use Permits
- U.S. Dept. of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT PHMSA) Integrity Management Program Support
- Levee Crossing Permits
- Environmental Resource Reports
- Third-party Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments
- Project Planning, Scoping Meetings, and Open Houses
- Third Party Compliance Monitoring and Environmental Inspection
- Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act Consultations
- State Endangered Species Consultations
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act Consultations
- Section 304 Emergency Notifications/Accidental Release Reporting
- Section 311 and 31 2 Chemical Inventories
- Section 313 Toxic Release Inventory Preparation and Reporting
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permits
- Section 10 Permits to Cross Navigable Waterways
- Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
- Wetland Delineation and Waterbody Surveys
- Wetland Mitigation and Banking
- National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Hydrostatic Test and Stormwater Discharge Permits
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
- Waste Management/Minimization Plans
- Management and Disposal of Oilfield Waste under RCRA
- GIS Archaeological Predictive Modeling
- State/ Tribal Historic Preservation Office (SHPO/THPO) Consultations and Integration of the Section 106 Compliance Process
- Cultural Resource Surveys
- GIS database development
- GPS field data collection and post-processing
- Data management and integration
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM Standard E1527-13, USEPA AAI Final Rule 40 CFR Part 312)
- Merger/Acquisition/Divestiture Due Diligence
- Independent 3rd Party Compliance Audits
- Data Validation (TRRP-13, RG-411, Louisiana RECAP, EPA Site Specific QAPP)
- Soil and Groundwater Investigations (TRRP, VCP, RECAP, RCRA)
- Remediation Design and Implementation
- Independent 3rd Party Compliance Audits
- Equipment and Soil Surveys
- Decontamination and Remediation