President & CEO
Mr. J Scot Vann, P.E., is President and CEO of Edge Engineering and Science, LLC (EDGE) and has been working as a consultant in the environmental engineering field since 1996. Scot drives EDGE’s growth and success via strategic organizational planning, coordination between practice areas, resource acquisition and allocation, and client satisfaction.
Throughout his career as a consultant, Scot has focused on excellence in air quality permitting and compliance services. His specialties include managing air permitting projects, compiling emissions estimates, auditing environmental compliance and management systems, facilitating emission credit banking and trading, conducting environmental compliance assessments, evaluating control technologies, developing and implementing environmental management information systems, performing regulatory analyses and applicability assessments, and conducting air dispersion modeling evaluations. Scot’s extensive experience includes serving clients, located throughout the U.S. and internationally, in the oil and gas, chemical, energy, electric utility, manufacturing, waste management and shipbuilding industries.
Scot holds a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas in Austin and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University in College Station.