Staying Informed: Public Comment Period for DOJ’s 2024 Environmental Justice Strategic Plan
All comments must be submitted by Monday, July 22, 2024.
Department of Justice’s Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ), established May 5, 2022, engages with all DOJ bureaus, components, and offices in the collective pursuit of environmental justice. Their mission is to protect overburdened and underserved communities from harm caused by environmental crimes, pollution, and climate change. Key roles of the OEJ include supporting the implementation of the DOJ’s Comprehensive Environmental Justice Enforcement Strategy (CEJES); building partnerships with community advocates; and promoting fair and equal treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in the environmental decision-making process.
Currently, the OEJ is leading the development of incorporating the Environmental Justice Strategic Plan, to refine and build upon the efforts implemented from the CEJES, as directed by EO 14096 “Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.” The new strategic plan aims to capture the DOJ’s visions, goals, priority actions, and metrics to address and advance environmental justice.
The Public Comment Period for the 2024 Environmental Justice Strategic Plan is open and all comments must be submitted by Monday, July 22, 2024. Public comment opportunities are available in the following three ways:
- Complete an electronic survey provided by the OEJ: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management
- Email comments to the OEJ: OEJ@USDOJ.gov
- Send comments via postal mail to the Office of Environmental Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Division, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044-7611.
In effort to continue to improve the Strategic Plan, the OEJ is requesting that commenters answer five Environmental Justice Strategic Plan-specific questions:
- What additional goals and objectives should DOJ consider in its Plan?
- How can DOJ improve its outreach and engagement efforts with communities about environmental justice?
- What information and resources should DOJ provide to communities to clarify its environmental justice efforts?
- What topics and considerations should DOJ include for staff training on environmental justice?
- What organizations in your area should DOJ add to its environmental justice listserv?
Additional Resources
OEJ One Page Summary: Draft DOJ Environmental Justice Strategic Plan One Pager
U.S DOJ Virtual Public Listening Sessions Presentation Slides: Presentation Slides from U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Virtual Public Listening Sessions on Draft Environmental Justice Strategic Plan in May 2024
The Environmental Justice Strategic Plan must be published by October 2024, to follow the Strategic Plan’s progress and for more information about the OEJ visit their main web page here: Office of Environmental Justice.