July 13, 2020 Edge Engineering

EDGE is pleased to announce the formation of the Protected Species Practice led by Casey Swecker.

The Protected Species Practice will be part of and complement our existing Natural Resources Sector, currently led by Trevor Loveday, which provides environmental permitting and compliance services to the energy industry.

The Protected Species Practice will focus on helping our clients find solutions to addressing potential impacts to protected species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The Protected Species Group complements our existing Applicant Permitting and NEPA Third-Party groups by adding both state and federal rare, threatened, and endangered species-specific expertise to the EDGE team. Members of the practice are subject matter experts, holding federal and state permits for species of freshwater mussels, fish, crayfish, benthic macroinvertebrates, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and terrestrial insects.

EDGE will now be in a better position to help our clients find solutions to their permitting and compliance issues across the United States. Let EDGE provide further insight for all your ESA and MBTA compliance needs.

Connect with Casey for more information.

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