The Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) is known from 11 counties in Ohio and is listed as an endangered species by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife. Most Eastern Spadefoot localities exist within the Ohio, Hocking, Tuscarawas and other river valleys where this species utilizes open fields and woodland habitats with sandy soils.
Habitat assessments for Eastern Spadefoots can be performed throughout the year. Construction monitoring for Eastern Spadefoots can occur throughout the active season from April through October and visual encounter surveys can be conducted in May and June when this species is most active and may be utilizing ephemeral breeding habitats.
EDGE’s professional herpetologists, Mr. Aaron Crank and Mr. Tim Brust, are authorized to conduct Eastern Spadefoot surveys and habitat assessments within Ohio and have extensive experience surveying this species throughout its range. If evaluating and managing potential disturbances to Eastern Spadefoots is critical to the success of your project, please reach out to Aaron and Tim for #further insight.