January 14, 2020 Edge Engineering

EDGE was founded in 2010 on a relationship-driven approach to providing high quality environmental engineering and scientific consulting services. When the partners founded the company, they knew they could draw on their decades of experience in order to provide expert-level consulting services with integrity, professionalism and respect.

Within just a few years, the company had expanded its Houston base, opened a second office in Baton Rouge, and added staff to include dozens of industry experts.

Growing Team

Meanwhile, EDGE continues to bring in people who enhance the company’s ability to deliver the insights, knowledge, and guidance that clients need.

Gordon Ware, P.G. for example, joined EDGE in early 2019 to spearhead the expansion of the Investigation and Remediation practice group.

His background includes the skills that will support EDGE’s practice expansion. Gordon has more than 35 years of diverse technical and managerial experience. Gordon has supervised environmental acquisition due diligence efforts, environmental site investigations, emergency response, and environmental remediation design, and implementation projects. Gordon has consulted for several Fortune 50 corporations and has extensive experience in reviewing upstream through downstream assets.

He was selected by Governor Rick Perry to serve on the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists in 2001, and was re-appointed to serve a second term. Gordon was elected Chairman for the remainder of his second term from 2007-2009 and was responsible for agency operations and state agency appropriations. Gordon’s skill set enables him to build relationships and turn those into lasting partnerships.

EDGE’s growing team includes Reif Hedgcoxe, Gary Donnan, Chuck Terhune, Robin Mann, Lanre Dawodu and Lara McAlister; together they have more than 100 years of combined experience serving the oil and gas industry’s upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors, law firms, and other industrial sectors. Their expertise includes environmental due diligence, soil and groundwater investigations, and designing, installing, and maintaining remediation systems, as well as working with federal, state, and local regulatory agencies.

Recent Projects

The team recently completed a remediation project at an active large truck service facility that was impacted with used oil from historical operations. EDGE was able to safely and efficiently organize the operation to remove the impacted soil, clean impacted permanent structures, and dispose of all associated wastes under budget.

To successfully complete this project, EDGE worked with the existing facility manager and coordinated equipment and personnel to excavate necessary areas, carefully transport materials, and—most importantly—dispose of all impacted materials used during the remediation process.

Also this year, the team started functioning as an Environment, Health and Safety department for a client until its staff and organizational programs are fully developed. This partnership is saving the client the extensive time needed to develop pertinent environmental policies, and it demonstrates one of the many ways that EDGE offers clients value.

On the Horizon

Currently, several exciting projects are on the horizon for EDGE. At a client’s active manufacturing and maintenance facility, the team is conducting the site assessment for the potential remediation of impacted groundwater.

Looking forward, EDGE is going to perform several upstream, multi-site, and transactional due diligence projects.

The company stands ready to do more. EDGE can take on any kind of assessment, remediation, and investigation project. The team especially enjoys working on M&A projects in which EDGE assesses assets and helps limit liability exposure for clients.

EDGE’s Compliance Practice is particularly strong and will continue to work cohesively with the Assessment, Remediation and Investigation practice to diversify the company’s expertise for clients.

Approaching its 10th year, EDGE continues to expand its footprint in the environmental consulting market by adding specialized staff with expertise in diverse areas of environmental regulation. Even with broader reach, the company stays true to the founders’ vision of bringing insight through relationship-based, high-quality consulting. To learn more about EDGE, please visit edge-es.com.

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